In July 2008 our missionaries to the North Canada, Aminiasi and Semisi were invited with Roger Armbruster of the Canada Awakening Ministries to facilitate the Healing the Land process. It was such a powerful time as the community of Pond Inlet responded to Gods word. Below is a report from one of the key leaders from the community that helped co-ordinated the gathering:
"Hello, Bula, tauvauvusi Fijimiut from Pond Inlet, Nunavut. I praise and honor God for what He is doing in the north and what He is doing between the North and the Fiji nation as it says in the Bible:
Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits. Song of Solomon 4:16
On July 2008 Healing the Land Ministry came to Pond Inlet and did the healing the land process with the elders, community leaders and community members. We saw many people repent from past sins and for defiling the land. We also witnessed crying of pains and releasing of all the bondages. There were many healing, restoration and reconciliation among the people, the team also visited homes to bless the families and their homes.
Before they arrived I was praying about this all night, and the Bible verse came to me:
Joel 2:18-29; Especially "18 Then was the Lord jealous for His land and had pity on His people.
19 Yes, the Lord answered and said to His people, Behold, I am sending you grain and juice [of the grape] and oil, and you shall be satisfied with them; and I will no more make you a reproach among the [heathen] nations." and the rest of the verses.
This really confirmed what the Lord wanted to do in our land.
The blessing already started even before the team came to Pond, there were fish caught right in front of our community, and they were huge sized fish too. And during their stay, Semisi caught several fish. After they left, there was more great abundance of fish, blueberries, ptarmigan, foxes and narwhals.
On November 2008, we were more blessed when the narwhals were trapped on the frozen ice, people of Pond were granted to harvest all of them by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which is quite rare for them to give the Hunter and Trappers Organization a full support in any way. For 2 weeks they were harvested and the total narwhals caught were 629. With this abundant blessing we were able to bless other communities in Nunavut and Nunavik by sending them muktaaq (narwhal skin, which we eat).
The community were in high spirits and joyous. The Hunter and Trappers Organization were praising God for the blessing even though most of them are non-church attenders, they could see that after the July healing the land process that something shifted and God has opened the windows of heaven of blessings. People of Pond Inlet went on their local radio station daily, people calling in and praising the Lord.
The community wanted to thank the Lord and have a community celebration, as church leaders, we decided to invite Aminiasi, Semisi and Roger Armbruster to celebrate with us. Aminiasi and Semisi arrived on December 18, 2008 and the next day there was a great community feast and celebration and they were able to take part in the celebration with our community members.
For the rest of 4 days we praised the Lord at our local church, On Sunday night we had the youth lead in worship and praise and in prayers. As a youth pastor, the Lord was telling me that we have to bless you (Fijians) for all the work and dedication you are doing. We prayed for Israel and for your nation, Fiji. We felt that we needed to bless you for all the great things you are doing with Nunavut, we could really feel the connection it was very powerful!
And on Monday night, Hunters and Trappers Organization were being blessed for all the great work that they were doing. As I mentioned before, most are non-church goers and when they were being prayed for, they could feel the anointing and they were testifying what how God has blessed us and some were shouting hallelujah! During the time of the narwhal harvest, they reported that the RCMP didn’t have any one complaining or being taken to jail. And the Health Centre was very quiet; the nurses were in peaceful time, no emergencies. The HTO chairman smelled the sweet smell of the Holy Spirit at the church, which he has never experienced before.
For the rest of few days we prayed for homes and have evening praise and worship. People of Pond Inlet are truly blessed; we give all the praise to the Mighty King, our Heavenly Father, Jehovah Jira! Glory to His name!"
It is our privilege to welcome you friends to our home on the web, where we love to share with you what God is doing through the Healing the Land Ministry International to touch and change people, church and communities.
The minisitry is based in Nausori in the Fiji Islands.
Welcome and be blessed as you ponder on the great works of our GOD for He has caused His works to be remembered!
The minisitry is based in Nausori in the Fiji Islands.
Welcome and be blessed as you ponder on the great works of our GOD for He has caused His works to be remembered!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2 Chronicles 7:14; here we see God literally speaking to the church - "if my people who are called by my name...." We the church are the ones that God is speaking to in this passage of scripture. In the first week of December of 2008, the healing the land ministry was invited to facilitate the healing the land process at a Brethren Church in Nausori within the Fiji Isalands. The Church has been wanting to move to it's new land and build but for some unknown reasons they haven't been able to do so and this have led the church leaders to begin asking some serious questions. Their questions were answered when they were at a seminar where Rev Vuniani Nakauyaca (Founder and President of the Healing the Land Ministry) was invited to speak, as they received the word of God they knew that this is something the church has to do asap. Months after the seminar,the Nausori Gospel Church finally invited the ministry to come in and facilitate the htl process. It was one week meeting, and the church were really desperate God to reveal Himself to them. As the week progresses, God begin to reveal things in the church that they need to repent of. Also God began to reveal that relationship within church members were not right and the church begins reconcile towards one another. Even the children would go their parents and ask them for their forgiveness for all the pain they have caused them likewise the parents. The church elders wash each others feet with tears in their eyes. So the church really meant business with God during that week and would expose openly before God what was happening in the church, cuase that is the only way for God to open the heavens and rain down healing and blessings upon them. The week ended with identificational repentance - the land where they wanted to build the church for the last several years was leased and occupied by an Indian family who whorshiped idols and stones in that vary palce. There were two families that actually owned the land and their father gave the land for lease to others in a way to generate income to their family but they didn't realize that at the same time they were giving legal right for idols to come into their land which God forbids. So these two families knelt down before God with the whole church behind them and they corporately confess the sins of their fathers and ask God for his mercy and forgiveness and also recovenant back the land to God.
Just one week after the htl process at this church, testimonies begin to be reported that God is begining to bless the church. People are begining to see God in a new way. Job oppotunities came running to their doors even without applying. On their first Sunday after the htl process their morning service started at 10am and they finished at 2pm - so it was for the first time for them to experience this time of Holy Spirit invasion! Their Patsor by the name of Wili couldn't preach because that morning beacause the Presence of God just took over and they just sat and wept before their God. Pastor Wili told us (htl ministry) that it was for the first time for them to have that experience and they are hunger for more. Yes God is at work when His people come to Him with a heart of humility and in desperation for Him - He promised that He would come........
Just one week after the htl process at this church, testimonies begin to be reported that God is begining to bless the church. People are begining to see God in a new way. Job oppotunities came running to their doors even without applying. On their first Sunday after the htl process their morning service started at 10am and they finished at 2pm - so it was for the first time for them to experience this time of Holy Spirit invasion! Their Patsor by the name of Wili couldn't preach because that morning beacause the Presence of God just took over and they just sat and wept before their God. Pastor Wili told us (htl ministry) that it was for the first time for them to have that experience and they are hunger for more. Yes God is at work when His people come to Him with a heart of humility and in desperation for Him - He promised that He would come........
Sunday, December 14, 2008
On the first week of December 2008, the Healing the Land Ministry was invited to facilitate the healing the land process with the Waidina tribe of the province of Tailevu here in the Fiji Islands. It was one solid week of fasting, prayer and seeking of Gods face. It was also a week of teaching and equipping the tribe with the Word of God. During the week, the tribe were taken through the word of God during day sessions and night rallies. On the first three days the whole tribe were taught that they are to be fruit inspectors and they are to see for themselves whether bad or good fruits are bearing within the tribe (Mathew 7:17 - 20 "Likewise every good tree bears good fruit. 18. Agood tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20. Thus by their fruit you will recognize them".)
So the tribe were taught bad roots will bear bad fruits and likewise good roots will only bear good fruits. The tribe were also taught the 5 major sins in the bible that brings Gods curse and judment on the land and it's people and they are 1) Idoltary, 2)Adultery 3) Broken Covenants 4) Bloodshed 5)Tithe and Offerings.
They were taught that these are the bad roots in a community/city/nation that will definately bear out bad fruits. So during that week God was really speaking to them and they agreed that the tribe have been bearing bad fruits and they have sin against God, and they humbly expose their sins before God and asking for His forgiveness and mercy. During the week repentance and reconciliation took it's toll as God began to expose sins in their lives and families. One of the elders within the tribe have been practiciing witchcraft for over 30 years and he even has killed two of his own family members through witchcraft. All these time the whole tribe have been accusing him and pointing finger at him saying that he was bringing problems to them because of his witchcraft practice but he told them that he wasn't doing such a thing - witchcraft practice is something he didn't do. The power of God came upon the tribe at the last night of the process and this particular elder for the first time owned up that he really was practicing witchcraft and he couldn't hold back but to repent before God and to the whole tribe that he was practicing witchcraft and he was worshiping a snake god with diamond on it's head. He also confess that he killed two of his own family member through witctcraft. The tribe stood up and accepted him and thanking God that victory has come to the tribe because the devil has been exposed in the light of God when he has finally confessed that the problem and the bad fruits are part of his doing because through idolatry - the land is defiled and therefore Gods curse comes upon the land. This tribe elder now wants to worship God only and nothing else. The whole tribe sensed a great spritual release when they have finally renewed their covenant with the Almighty God and they have vowed to worship him in spirit and in truth.
At the conclusion of the meeting a word from Jeremiah was read to the tribe:
Jeremiah 16:19-21 "O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, "Our fathers possessed nothing but false gods, worthless idols that did them no good. 20. Do men make their own god? Yes, but they are not gods! 21. "Therefore I will teach them, this time I will teach them my power and might. Then they will know that my name is the Lord."
They were told that people will come to HIM and acknowledged that their forefathers worshipped false gods that have brought them no good, after that he will teach them HIS power and might. That is exactly what is happening with the Waidina tribe - they have come humbly before God acknowleging that they have worshiped false gods and now God is at work in this tribe. This tribe have caught the FIRE and are on FIRE for the Lord! From the youngest to the oldest have given their lives to the Lord. Amen!
So the tribe were taught bad roots will bear bad fruits and likewise good roots will only bear good fruits. The tribe were also taught the 5 major sins in the bible that brings Gods curse and judment on the land and it's people and they are 1) Idoltary, 2)Adultery 3) Broken Covenants 4) Bloodshed 5)Tithe and Offerings.
They were taught that these are the bad roots in a community/city/nation that will definately bear out bad fruits. So during that week God was really speaking to them and they agreed that the tribe have been bearing bad fruits and they have sin against God, and they humbly expose their sins before God and asking for His forgiveness and mercy. During the week repentance and reconciliation took it's toll as God began to expose sins in their lives and families. One of the elders within the tribe have been practiciing witchcraft for over 30 years and he even has killed two of his own family members through witchcraft. All these time the whole tribe have been accusing him and pointing finger at him saying that he was bringing problems to them because of his witchcraft practice but he told them that he wasn't doing such a thing - witchcraft practice is something he didn't do. The power of God came upon the tribe at the last night of the process and this particular elder for the first time owned up that he really was practicing witchcraft and he couldn't hold back but to repent before God and to the whole tribe that he was practicing witchcraft and he was worshiping a snake god with diamond on it's head. He also confess that he killed two of his own family member through witctcraft. The tribe stood up and accepted him and thanking God that victory has come to the tribe because the devil has been exposed in the light of God when he has finally confessed that the problem and the bad fruits are part of his doing because through idolatry - the land is defiled and therefore Gods curse comes upon the land. This tribe elder now wants to worship God only and nothing else. The whole tribe sensed a great spritual release when they have finally renewed their covenant with the Almighty God and they have vowed to worship him in spirit and in truth.
At the conclusion of the meeting a word from Jeremiah was read to the tribe:
Jeremiah 16:19-21 "O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, "Our fathers possessed nothing but false gods, worthless idols that did them no good. 20. Do men make their own god? Yes, but they are not gods! 21. "Therefore I will teach them, this time I will teach them my power and might. Then they will know that my name is the Lord."
They were told that people will come to HIM and acknowledged that their forefathers worshipped false gods that have brought them no good, after that he will teach them HIS power and might. That is exactly what is happening with the Waidina tribe - they have come humbly before God acknowleging that they have worshiped false gods and now God is at work in this tribe. This tribe have caught the FIRE and are on FIRE for the Lord! From the youngest to the oldest have given their lives to the Lord. Amen!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Below is a report from one of the healing the land team that was led by Aminiasi Waqanivalu that ministered in POV for a week. She wants share her experience with you. Her name is Annie and this is her story:-
"My spirit is leading me to write to you both with great gladness in my heart concerning our trip to Puvirnituq to do the process of: The Healing Of The Land. Eighteen of us, all from Pangnirtung with brother's Aminiasi and Semisi included made twenty in all, left on the 18th of November and we just come back home yesterday (25th). Seven day's we was there. I am deeply humbled to have taken part in the process and continue standing in Awe even now as I write this letter to you both, of our Father God's Amazing Marvelous Love and of His Loving Gracious Mercy in which He through His Son Jesus, is pouring down rapidly accross the North in bringing Mighty Wonderous Healing to us Inuit who call upon Him with overwhelming heavy burdens & torn broken spirit. And that is exactly what I witnessed. What a Mighty God we serve. With great joy I share with you my own testimony of what I witnessed our Lord doing in POV while we was there . Healing of the Land and people in Puvinirtuq. Each morning at 9:00, we fasted and prayed and prayed at St. Mathew's Anglican church. And in the afternoon, we visited home's as pair's (eight group) to pray with family and homes as the people of puvirnituq has requested. And in the evening, we community gathered together in church for worship and praise which led following after aminiasi and semisi's teaching on the healing of the land. I tell you, God used them two figian brother's of ours so very mightily and powerfully. I tell you, there was healing taking place. A blind elderly woman recieved her sight after many years of living in total darkness. I met up with her the following day at her home while I was there with two other member's to pray and bless her home and family. She said at first it seemed impossible to have her sight back for all the vain's that connect to her eye's has all been cut off, then faith as small as a mustard seed crept in her then she could see light at first then colour followed by faint human figure's (people). She said she believes that she will have the full vision as the day's go by amen. And another woman with crippling hand desease was healed and now has the use of her hand with no pain . Greatest miracle happened when many stepped forward to recieve Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and many that had backslid returned to our Father God's loving bosom. Praise God. He is so very good, all the time. I felt such love for the people there that it seem too overwhelming at some point's. I truly believe that it was Father God's heartbeat I was feeling. I speak for eveyone of us from Pangnirtung i am sure of this and along with minnie and Sam that I could relate to and understand what they the people of puvirtuq was feeling for we under went through the struggle's and familiar pain and grief's we ourselves went through before Roger came with Vuniani and his team came to our community. The anguish, grief, burden and sorrow they been carrying for many year's, I felt with them. The questionable pain loss of loved one's through suicide and murder, I felt with them. The tormenting spousel and family abuse that take place there due to alcohol & drug abuse, I felt with them. And yes, even abuse in which we suffered from our own pastor's through the division and hate they had toward's one another our church's yes, I felt with them. I have friend's there in whom shared with me that even there was a brawl within inside the church one time which related pastor's and leader's sleeping with other's wive's and so respect, division and hurt resulted in just a few people attending church service's for a couple of year's following. Thank's be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ that nothing is impossible for Him to fix what we through our sinful action's has broken our relationship with God our Father. All is possible for Him what is impossible for us. Thank you Jesus. Furthermore on saturday, we went to an Island by ski-doo's and ATV's not far from there community with both pastor's from two different church's names; Jonas and Eliyasie along with local people from POV. The name of the Island is called......... I can't remember the name sorry!! On that Island, horrible unspeakable death's took place many year's ago. Game of death they called it. Similiar to russian roulet'. An elder man along with Eliyasi shared with us of the shocking story. We stood on the exact location in which there was a pit that had formed waist high in which two inuit person's were placed tide down as they were fired with arrow's shot with bow's of other inuit taught to them by white people who had arrived by boat's. The pit was formed by the two men's feet for they tried their best to stay alive and yet had so little space for they was tied up. The arrow's would hit them numerous time's until they was dead. The elder man who told us this horrible story said that he remember's two specific men who took too long to die though hit many time's with arrow's, were forced to run to an Island accross from where we stood, a race of death it turned into. Where as the two men holding onto their own intestine's and even dragging behind them even had to race to reach the Island first and the one who reach there first would surely be killed. As I listened to this horrible story which took place there, I for one if I was in one of those men's shoe's, I would want desperatly to reach their first so the pain would be nomore. That is so very sad to say but I am being honest here. My love for the people of puvinirtuq was forever carved in my heart I know and alway's will. They had estimated about a thousand inuit people died on that Island alone due to this game of death.Thank you Jesus for sending us to Puvinirtuq to hold them, love them. For it is your loving arm's and love we felt as you come to do so through us. But moreso even, thank you for saving them and bringing healing into their heart's, family and into that community. Thank you for you are indeed our Mighty Deliverer. The many number of death's through suicide and murder has continued to take place up until today surely this generational horrible act that took place there defiled there land and had tormented many familie's will be 'NOMORE' for our God rescue's them and bring's forth healing and restoration. Thank you Jesus. Last but not least. The two pastor's humbled and repented of their own sinful action's toward's one another and on behalf of other church leader's before them and today in the presence of Puvinirtuq town people. And made peace with one another in Jesus Awesome Mighty Name, and repenting to the congregation as well, restoration made whole. That was so very powerful for me to witness and so very beautiful. God is good. Their mayor name munszi, I am not sure if I spelled his name right , stood up before everyone in one of our service's and broke down with such emotional grief and for his people in POV followed by deep gratitude to Father God that so humbled him intensly before us all. He is a man with great faith and has strong love for the people there. That was so awesome to witness. During the last two evening's, we was so full of thankfullness in our heart's to our Lord God along with the people in POV. All we could do was, to Dance, Shout and Glorify our Redeemer, our King in worship and praise. For He is so very worthy. The people of puvinirtuq are beautiful people in heart and in spirit. So very welcoming, so beautiful. Truly Puvinirtuq will never be the same for God now is in complete control in every area of their live's as they want."
Love your sister and friend alway's in Christ Jesus
"My spirit is leading me to write to you both with great gladness in my heart concerning our trip to Puvirnituq to do the process of: The Healing Of The Land. Eighteen of us, all from Pangnirtung with brother's Aminiasi and Semisi included made twenty in all, left on the 18th of November and we just come back home yesterday (25th). Seven day's we was there. I am deeply humbled to have taken part in the process and continue standing in Awe even now as I write this letter to you both, of our Father God's Amazing Marvelous Love and of His Loving Gracious Mercy in which He through His Son Jesus, is pouring down rapidly accross the North in bringing Mighty Wonderous Healing to us Inuit who call upon Him with overwhelming heavy burdens & torn broken spirit. And that is exactly what I witnessed. What a Mighty God we serve. With great joy I share with you my own testimony of what I witnessed our Lord doing in POV while we was there . Healing of the Land and people in Puvinirtuq. Each morning at 9:00, we fasted and prayed and prayed at St. Mathew's Anglican church. And in the afternoon, we visited home's as pair's (eight group) to pray with family and homes as the people of puvirnituq has requested. And in the evening, we community gathered together in church for worship and praise which led following after aminiasi and semisi's teaching on the healing of the land. I tell you, God used them two figian brother's of ours so very mightily and powerfully. I tell you, there was healing taking place. A blind elderly woman recieved her sight after many years of living in total darkness. I met up with her the following day at her home while I was there with two other member's to pray and bless her home and family. She said at first it seemed impossible to have her sight back for all the vain's that connect to her eye's has all been cut off, then faith as small as a mustard seed crept in her then she could see light at first then colour followed by faint human figure's (people). She said she believes that she will have the full vision as the day's go by amen. And another woman with crippling hand desease was healed and now has the use of her hand with no pain . Greatest miracle happened when many stepped forward to recieve Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and many that had backslid returned to our Father God's loving bosom. Praise God. He is so very good, all the time. I felt such love for the people there that it seem too overwhelming at some point's. I truly believe that it was Father God's heartbeat I was feeling. I speak for eveyone of us from Pangnirtung i am sure of this and along with minnie and Sam that I could relate to and understand what they the people of puvirtuq was feeling for we under went through the struggle's and familiar pain and grief's we ourselves went through before Roger came with Vuniani and his team came to our community. The anguish, grief, burden and sorrow they been carrying for many year's, I felt with them. The questionable pain loss of loved one's through suicide and murder, I felt with them. The tormenting spousel and family abuse that take place there due to alcohol & drug abuse, I felt with them. And yes, even abuse in which we suffered from our own pastor's through the division and hate they had toward's one another our church's yes, I felt with them. I have friend's there in whom shared with me that even there was a brawl within inside the church one time which related pastor's and leader's sleeping with other's wive's and so respect, division and hurt resulted in just a few people attending church service's for a couple of year's following. Thank's be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ that nothing is impossible for Him to fix what we through our sinful action's has broken our relationship with God our Father. All is possible for Him what is impossible for us. Thank you Jesus. Furthermore on saturday, we went to an Island by ski-doo's and ATV's not far from there community with both pastor's from two different church's names; Jonas and Eliyasie along with local people from POV. The name of the Island is called......... I can't remember the name sorry!! On that Island, horrible unspeakable death's took place many year's ago. Game of death they called it. Similiar to russian roulet'. An elder man along with Eliyasi shared with us of the shocking story. We stood on the exact location in which there was a pit that had formed waist high in which two inuit person's were placed tide down as they were fired with arrow's shot with bow's of other inuit taught to them by white people who had arrived by boat's. The pit was formed by the two men's feet for they tried their best to stay alive and yet had so little space for they was tied up. The arrow's would hit them numerous time's until they was dead. The elder man who told us this horrible story said that he remember's two specific men who took too long to die though hit many time's with arrow's, were forced to run to an Island accross from where we stood, a race of death it turned into. Where as the two men holding onto their own intestine's and even dragging behind them even had to race to reach the Island first and the one who reach there first would surely be killed. As I listened to this horrible story which took place there, I for one if I was in one of those men's shoe's, I would want desperatly to reach their first so the pain would be nomore. That is so very sad to say but I am being honest here. My love for the people of puvinirtuq was forever carved in my heart I know and alway's will. They had estimated about a thousand inuit people died on that Island alone due to this game of death.Thank you Jesus for sending us to Puvinirtuq to hold them, love them. For it is your loving arm's and love we felt as you come to do so through us. But moreso even, thank you for saving them and bringing healing into their heart's, family and into that community. Thank you for you are indeed our Mighty Deliverer. The many number of death's through suicide and murder has continued to take place up until today surely this generational horrible act that took place there defiled there land and had tormented many familie's will be 'NOMORE' for our God rescue's them and bring's forth healing and restoration. Thank you Jesus. Last but not least. The two pastor's humbled and repented of their own sinful action's toward's one another and on behalf of other church leader's before them and today in the presence of Puvinirtuq town people. And made peace with one another in Jesus Awesome Mighty Name, and repenting to the congregation as well, restoration made whole. That was so very powerful for me to witness and so very beautiful. God is good. Their mayor name munszi, I am not sure if I spelled his name right , stood up before everyone in one of our service's and broke down with such emotional grief and for his people in POV followed by deep gratitude to Father God that so humbled him intensly before us all. He is a man with great faith and has strong love for the people there. That was so awesome to witness. During the last two evening's, we was so full of thankfullness in our heart's to our Lord God along with the people in POV. All we could do was, to Dance, Shout and Glorify our Redeemer, our King in worship and praise. For He is so very worthy. The people of puvinirtuq are beautiful people in heart and in spirit. So very welcoming, so beautiful. Truly Puvinirtuq will never be the same for God now is in complete control in every area of their live's as they want."
Love your sister and friend alway's in Christ Jesus


Below is a writtern report Semisi Naqica, one of our two healing the land ministry missionary that are based in Pangnirtung since March of this year.
Semisi reports:-
"The Picture above is the Healing The Land Process that we did we did in Northern Quebec community called PUVIRNITUQ with 20 team member from Pangnirtung on the 17th to the 23rd of November 2008.The first picture on the left is the community of PUVIRNITUQ repenting and Identifying with the sins of their Forefathers who used to kill each other on this historical sites.They used to call it the game of death and they felt this is the roots of why there are many murder happening in their communiy recently.There were a lot of weeping as they stood on this historical sites and cry out to God for mercy and Forgiveness.Some of the people standing are the Healing The Land team members from Pangnitung identifying with the people of PUVIRNITUQ.The picture on the left is Semisi with one of the Elder of the community who explain to us about the history of this historical sites.After this event the people in the community felt a change in the spritual atomosphere andsaw more light and darkness were dissappearing!We praise God what he has done in this community and what he will continue to do!Thankyou for all the Prayers from Fiji and we felt your prayers!Blessings--Semisi Naqica--Co-laboures in the Kindom"
Semisi reports:-
"The Picture above is the Healing The Land Process that we did we did in Northern Quebec community called PUVIRNITUQ with 20 team member from Pangnirtung on the 17th to the 23rd of November 2008.The first picture on the left is the community of PUVIRNITUQ repenting and Identifying with the sins of their Forefathers who used to kill each other on this historical sites.They used to call it the game of death and they felt this is the roots of why there are many murder happening in their communiy recently.There were a lot of weeping as they stood on this historical sites and cry out to God for mercy and Forgiveness.Some of the people standing are the Healing The Land team members from Pangnitung identifying with the people of PUVIRNITUQ.The picture on the left is Semisi with one of the Elder of the community who explain to us about the history of this historical sites.After this event the people in the community felt a change in the spritual atomosphere andsaw more light and darkness were dissappearing!We praise God what he has done in this community and what he will continue to do!Thankyou for all the Prayers from Fiji and we felt your prayers!Blessings--Semisi Naqica--Co-laboures in the Kindom"
Below is a writtern report of one of our healing the land ministry missionary named Aminiasi Waqanivalu. He is currently based in Pangnirtung in the region of Nunavut, Northern part of Canada. He leads a team of 20 people who have volunterily given their lives to go and be blessing to other communities as God has blessed them. The Healing the Landf Ministry from Fiji were in Pangnirtung in 2006, where we facilitated the healing the land process and God has been blessing this community. And now this community has taken the call of Abraham that he was blessed by God and to be a blessings to other communities.
Aminiasi reports:-
Bula, Quyannami and Welcome... in the name of the Almighty who is the sources of our life and strength.Hope that everything is fine since we are well protected under the wings of our Everlasting Dady....
2008 is a remarkable year for the province of Nunavut in the most Northern part of Canada and the Canada Awakening Healing The Land Ministry.During summer of this year a group of this ministry visited communities in the north of Canada for their Healing the land anniversary or Healing the land process.The team visited Pangnirtung and Clyde River for their anniversaries.The team also visited Pond Inlet and Artic Bay for the healing the land process where God moved in a very mighty way in the community and among His people.
Teaching and training were carried out to the people of Pangnirtung about healing of the land and it is an amazing thing to see how the Inuits of Canada could grab the vision of the Healing of the land and how God is rasing up some mighty men and women who are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel to their own people.
On the 18th of November 2008 a group of 20 men and women left the shores of Pangnirtung by two plane trips to Puvirntuq a community in northern Quebec for the Healing of the land process.Puvirntuq is a community where the community has been going through difficulties of murders,untimely death and suicide.After teachings and after hearing the word of God,the community were able to identify a killing ground where people used to perform killings in the form of a game.On Saturday 22nd of November,community elders and the team visit this site.They repent on behalf of their ancestors and ask God for forgiveness.The elders don't mind the cold snow as they knelt down and cried out to the Almigty God for His mercy and grace.The community went through repenting and asking God for forgiveness in this week acording to the key scripture of Healing the Land:
"if my people who are called by my name humble themselves seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven,I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land 2Chronicle 7 :14" It was a great time for the community as they testifies freedom and release towards the end of the process.Also a great time for the two curch pastors and church members when they come to a time of forgiveness and unity.
The process took a week and at the end of the process, the pastors were able to select a group from these two churchers where they could run and sustain the process.We prayed for them and they have decided thhat they will be having prayer meetings every thursdays at 7pm.
On Tuesday 25th of November,the Healing the land team fro Pangnirtung returned safely to Pangnirtung after the Healing the land process in Puvirntuq.
Aminiasi reports:-
Bula, Quyannami and Welcome... in the name of the Almighty who is the sources of our life and strength.Hope that everything is fine since we are well protected under the wings of our Everlasting Dady....
2008 is a remarkable year for the province of Nunavut in the most Northern part of Canada and the Canada Awakening Healing The Land Ministry.During summer of this year a group of this ministry visited communities in the north of Canada for their Healing the land anniversary or Healing the land process.The team visited Pangnirtung and Clyde River for their anniversaries.The team also visited Pond Inlet and Artic Bay for the healing the land process where God moved in a very mighty way in the community and among His people.
Teaching and training were carried out to the people of Pangnirtung about healing of the land and it is an amazing thing to see how the Inuits of Canada could grab the vision of the Healing of the land and how God is rasing up some mighty men and women who are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel to their own people.
On the 18th of November 2008 a group of 20 men and women left the shores of Pangnirtung by two plane trips to Puvirntuq a community in northern Quebec for the Healing of the land process.Puvirntuq is a community where the community has been going through difficulties of murders,untimely death and suicide.After teachings and after hearing the word of God,the community were able to identify a killing ground where people used to perform killings in the form of a game.On Saturday 22nd of November,community elders and the team visit this site.They repent on behalf of their ancestors and ask God for forgiveness.The elders don't mind the cold snow as they knelt down and cried out to the Almigty God for His mercy and grace.The community went through repenting and asking God for forgiveness in this week acording to the key scripture of Healing the Land:
"if my people who are called by my name humble themselves seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven,I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land 2Chronicle 7 :14" It was a great time for the community as they testifies freedom and release towards the end of the process.Also a great time for the two curch pastors and church members when they come to a time of forgiveness and unity.
The process took a week and at the end of the process, the pastors were able to select a group from these two churchers where they could run and sustain the process.We prayed for them and they have decided thhat they will be having prayer meetings every thursdays at 7pm.
On Tuesday 25th of November,the Healing the land team fro Pangnirtung returned safely to Pangnirtung after the Healing the land process in Puvirntuq.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Yes the Healing the Land Fire from the South (Fiji) is spreading to the North(Nunavut). And God is connecting the South and the North together in a very unique way. There is a possibilty of spreading this FIRE to Greenland next year.

In July of 2006, a 11 member Healing the Land Team from Fiji including Rev Vuniani Nakauyaca were invited by the several communities in Nunavut (Northern Canada) to facilitate Healing the Land Process. The HTL Ministry partnered with the Canada Awakening Ministries in this mission trip to the North. We facilitated a 3day process in Rankin Inlet whereby the people of the land sought the Lord with a heart of humility and repentance was high on the agenda. People were repenting on behalf of the sins on the land - that is the sin of their forefathers and also different tribes reconciling with one another. There was also a time whereby the white brothers and sisters from the Canada Awakening Ministry led by Roger Armbruster took center stage and humbly confess to the people teh sins of the white people group who called the early Whalers, who not only came to do whaling but also use the females of the community during that time as sex slaves. So God was moving in the hearts of the people during these 3 days and literally was healing them from their hurts and pains. The HTL team than cleanse and speak blessing to the land. On the 4th day 15,000 carriboue roam back the land after 6 years of absence and their was also stories of black barries growing where they never grew and in bigger sizes, something which is totally rare to the community of Rankin Inlet. Also came back was the Whales and in large quantity after years of absence from the community.
On the same day the manifestation of God blessings began pouring on the land the HTL Team left for Pangnirtung where they faciliatated another HTL process. It was a week long process, but God did something very speacial with this community. There were lot of repentance, reconciliation with one another. But the most touching moment was when the 2 different denomination in this community reconciled for the first time and have vowed to work together and be the one church in the community. It was pretty much the issues or social ills that were occuring in Rankin Inlet was also occuring in Pangnirtung. So the people took their rightful palce and repentanted to God for the sins of the land because they now see for the first time that it was becuase of their sins the land has been cursed by God and the only way to lift that curse is for people who are called by Hi s name to stand in the gap and confess the sins of the land and also to covenant the land and people to God. This actually happened towards the climax of the HTL process whereby the Mayor of the community together with the church leaders and the whole community renewed their covenant with Lord. As this was taking place a rainbow hovered the meeting place at night. It was God confirming that he will never again curse the land as a sign to Noah during his days but now it was a sign to this community during their days.
After the HTL process news begin to broke out in communities that something new is happening there. God begin to bless the sea with its creatures and aslo the some young people begin to give up on drugs and have decided to follow the Lord. It was aslo reported that carriboue are back and black berries of today outnumbers the produce of yester years, flowers begin to grow where they don't used to. People are also healed and are begining to attend church. This move of God has led us into sending two of our missionary to work with the community in sustaining what has been accomplished so far. Below is an update we received from one of the member of the community:
Hi Savenacayour welcome for my little part. Semisi used my computer to send the pic's to u and came from my photo library told him to send them through direct from the pic library and it worked so he wont have to do all the hastle copy to his email anyways they have been teaching what they've been taught about the healing of the land ministry and the people here have responded with a very good out pouring of prayer and humbleling in our Lord's presence. we have seen slowly the blesings of animal's coming abundantly now the bird's called ptarmigan's are coming here even around our community and rabbit's and fox's so we have been getting ready for our first travel to Povinituk, Quebec Canada outside Nunavut we have been praying for that community and our own. and for that we know we well go through trial's and i'm already feeling the hardship our opposition is giving to my family and my self so keep praying for us as we ought to lay our life for our friend's.
your brother in Christ Andrew Qappik
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
At the begining of last year (2007), our ministry have secured a new piece of land and currently we have begun with our new building project on this land. Please click on to the titled "HTL BUILDING PROJECT" on our link to get you more information regarding this projects that we are currently undertaking. This project is our immediate need. If you can't get through just log on to www.
Monday, October 20, 2008
DRAUBUTA village is the place that caught the whole nations attention when 9 youth uprooted their 13, 864 marijuana plants. During the htl process way back in June of 2004, the whole community where really desperate for God to come and visit them. And you know what? He came like a dove with healing and blessings underneath its two wings. Six months after the htl process, a road was constructed to their community for the very first time after years of walking on foot for five hours to get to the main road to catch transport to town or their desired destination (refer to "Gods Promises are Yes" story below). There were blessings in homes as their young people begin to flock into church as never before and they would pray together every night during the week at different locations. The different church denomination in the community have a heart for Unity and they would meet together every last Sunday of every month to have a combine service. Just recently a logging company own by a foreigner is in the process of logging their forests and he is committed to do maitenance on their road and also for the community to be employed - the males to work in the forest logging. And he has also committed to build a primary school for the 3 communities, they are Navitilevu, Nakoro, Draubuta. Currently the school children from these 3 communities boards at the school where they are attending right now since it is really far from their home. They come home during weekends. But now they are about to have a school of their own which is just a walking distance away. This community is also declared drug free until today...
What is happening here? It is God responding with His goodness and mercy to the desperate cry of His children.
Currently we have 2 members of our healing the land team in this community to continue working with churches and the community.
What is happening here? It is God responding with His goodness and mercy to the desperate cry of His children.
Currently we have 2 members of our healing the land team in this community to continue working with churches and the community.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
In June of this year (2008), our ministry paid a visit to the Navosa highlands (this is the district where 9 youths uprooted their marijuana plants and gave their lives to the Lord). We visited the three villages of Navitilevu, Nakoro and Draubuta. As we came to the village of Nakoro we were taken by surprise by something new that we saw in this village. For the last 4 years since we facilitated the htl process there wasn't any proper church building in this community. We had the htl process in a typical bamboo makeshift. But now, right in the middle of the village stands a big concrete church building, which was fully funded by a church organization from South Korea. After meeting the people and hearing how this came about - all they said it is a miracle which they still can't figure out with their mind. We were told that in 2007 out of the blue, one day a truck full of Koreans all the way from Korea came to their community, met the people and said that God told them to come to Fiji to the highlands to build a place of worship. They told the communty that they will fully fund the church building as God had told them. The total cost of the building was $50,000-00FJD. The community was lost of words as they hear this great news from Koreans. Two months later the building of the church started, and in May of this year (2008), the church building were officially opened and the same organization from Korea were guests at this historic occassions. Along with this guests also came some doctors to do free medical treatment to villagers. The Koreans have also committed themselves to be in partnership with this community for the long haul and they have also committed themselves to pay a visit annually and to engage in other new projects. Yes the earth belongs to God - If only we come to covenant relationship with Him and walk in that covenant - HE IS WELL ABLE TO DO ANYTHING THAT WE JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT WITH OUR MINDS....
Why did Nakoro got this proper treatment? It is because Gods eyes and ears is upon that place to hear their prayer because they have lived 2Chronicles 7:14 and when that happens, vs 15 is a must....
Why did Nakoro got this proper treatment? It is because Gods eyes and ears is upon that place to hear their prayer because they have lived 2Chronicles 7:14 and when that happens, vs 15 is a must....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Community Development
We also teach them to undertake projects in terms of Needs rather than Wants. If they were to priorities between road upgrading and drinking water - we help them to priorities drinking water. We also have taught the communities that they have to contribute towards community development if it was to succeed. They have to own the vision and it's not an outsider coming in to do development because when he/she leaves definately the project will not succeed. So they have to come up with what development needs to be done in their community and they have to contribute financially or any kind towards that and we(htl ministry) will guide them and also help them in whatever way but the community must be at the drivers seat.
This year we were able to built mudoven in few places. This mudovens were specially built in the interior of the nation. The ones that we have built have been a blessing to these communities because they are now baking bread in the bush and selling them to their community and the surrounding ones. It is generating funds into these communities, so it is no longer the spiritual but the physical has being developed.
Community development head Mr Chuck MacCay has also facilitated micro-finance training to these communities. Dr. Ana Spink has also facilitated some health awareness programme with a few communities. We are looking at engaging all the communities with our community development concept next year.
Pictured above is one of the mudoven made by our community development officers and every material used is provided by the community.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Brethren Churches Interested!
Last week (9th-10th October, 2008) the htl ministry was invited by the Brethren Leadership Council to faciliate a htl training with the Bretheren elders and pastors conference at the Coral Coast in Deuba. This is their annual conference where all Brethren elders and pastors all over Fiji would attend. Rev Vuniani Nakauyaca spoke at this gathering, and we praise the Lord for the doors He has opened to the ministry. The Brethren leaders were very interested in all the sessions and nearly all of them had an opportunity to hear the message for the first time. As soon as the sessions were over they would grab a hold of Rev Vuniani and us the supporting team and ask questions and they would also identify with the things that were taught to them. At this gathering, doors to htl process began opening as churches and different communites represented were serious in having the htl process come to them. They were even amazed by some of the stories of what would happen in a community after the htl process. Again some of them were exposed to these stories for the first time and they have taken the goods news with them to whereever they came from. Well for this training Rev Vuniani and us the supporting team are very excited of what God is going to do in the next few months. Yes indeed He has fed the Brethren church with the five fish and two loaves of bread that we brought them.......
Pictured above are the Brethren Church leaders at the htl seminar.
posted by Healing the land ministry @ 12:18 PM 0 comments
posted by Healing the land ministry @ 12:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
In August of this year, 2008 the Healing the Land ministry International will be co-hosting an International Healing the Land Conference with the Toowoomba city church from Australia. The IHTLC will be held in Fiji from the 26th - 31st. Apart from the conference there will be a two day tour to communities that have witnessed a visitation of God and has transformed lives and land. The IHTLC will be attended by delegates from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Vanuatu, and Fiji.
It will be a time of celebration of what God is doing in the nations.
It will be a time of celebration of what God is doing in the nations.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
In the second week of February of this year 2008, the healing the land ministry was invited to facilitate the healing the land process in this community. Mataqe is one of the community on the coral coast of Fiji. They first heard of what God was doing in other surrounding communities
which led them to ask if they could also go through the similar process. It is fairly a small community of about 15 houses. They also have an existing church which they all attend. But still there were alot of problems they were faced with. One of them was the untimely deaths in this community - people dying between the ages of 30 - 40, also some of them were once employed with a descent job while a few of them had a colourful carrer are now without jobs. Even though they were church goers and serving the Lord yet things are still not going their way. The run a bussiness. Their land is 70% sandy and they have sand dune and they sell sand to hotels, builders, constructors, road works e.t.c. In started of well in the first place but down the years things begin to detriorate as their trucks were all siezed by a loaning company because they couldn't pay back the loan, and likewise their machinery broke down now and than, because of this their bussiness was taking a nose dive. It seems like everything they touch their hands with is cursed. So it was a time of soul searching as to what when wrong until they were awared of the truth that there is a curse of God upon their family because of the defilement on the land which led them to humble themselves and sought Gods face and repented of every sins/defilements on the land, with reconciliation taking it's full coarse. It was a two week meeting and they just let go and let God work among them. Weeks after the process their bussiness is back on track and God is restoring back what has been lost. More updates regarding this community will come to this column in a few months time. Pictured above is the sand selling business which is back on trackm with trucks and machinery. HE RESTORES US TO OUR RIGHTFUL PLACE WHEN WE RETURN TO HIM WITH ALL OUR HEARTS! Job 8:5-6.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Vitilevu, Nakoro, Draubuta:
These 3 villages are located in the highlands of Fiji. In the past they used to walk for 5-6 hours from their village to the main road to catch a truck to town. There are no roads for vehicle to these communities but only for horses. They went through the htl process in 2005 whereby 9 youth from the community of Draubuta uprooted their marijuana plants, total of 13, 864 valued at $11million fijian dollars and it was destroyed and they also asked Gods forgiveness on their lives and also sought forgiveness from the entire community, and the drugs were destroyed and burned.
During that htl process, a word of God was prophessied over the community that God will make a road to the community. The word of God was from Isaiah 49:11 "I will turn all my mountains into roads and my highways will be raised up". This word was prophessied to the community while there was nothing, just mountains and valleys.
Six months later a Japanese road Engineeer came to Fiji volunteerily through the Fiji Government to construct a bridge and also construct a road that lead to all of the 3 community. In the past they used to put their things on their horseback and hicked for 5-6 hours to get to their villages from town but now they are getting on to vehicles right at their doorstep. Yes God is able to do things out of nothing! The Healing the Land team are pictured on top, having a taste of Gods promise - the road to the 3 community!
These 3 villages are located in the highlands of Fiji. In the past they used to walk for 5-6 hours from their village to the main road to catch a truck to town. There are no roads for vehicle to these communities but only for horses. They went through the htl process in 2005 whereby 9 youth from the community of Draubuta uprooted their marijuana plants, total of 13, 864 valued at $11million fijian dollars and it was destroyed and they also asked Gods forgiveness on their lives and also sought forgiveness from the entire community, and the drugs were destroyed and burned.
During that htl process, a word of God was prophessied over the community that God will make a road to the community. The word of God was from Isaiah 49:11 "I will turn all my mountains into roads and my highways will be raised up". This word was prophessied to the community while there was nothing, just mountains and valleys.
Six months later a Japanese road Engineeer came to Fiji volunteerily through the Fiji Government to construct a bridge and also construct a road that lead to all of the 3 community. In the past they used to put their things on their horseback and hicked for 5-6 hours to get to their villages from town but now they are getting on to vehicles right at their doorstep. Yes God is able to do things out of nothing! The Healing the Land team are pictured on top, having a taste of Gods promise - the road to the 3 community!
In 2003, the Navatusila tribe asked for forgiveness from the descendants of Rev Thomas Baker for the killing of their forefathers. The atonement was witnessed by many who gathered from around the nation and overseas guest and the nations of the world who had a glimpse of it through
BBC television.
After the atonement God heard their plea and his healing and blessings came upon the land. One of the great blessings of God was the elevation of academic achievements within the district. In 2006, the head teacher of the Navatusila District School went to the Ministry of Education to gather the results of external examination for that year. As usual the school always has a poor percentage of pass rate but to his surprise when he looked at the results the school topped the whole 56 schools in that area with 100% pass rate. Since then the school has been doing exceptionally well. When the head teacher was interviewed of what has happened, he said that it is God's blessing coming upon the next generation when the older generation have repented of the generational sins and make things right with God. In 2006, there was a need to establish a high school so that the primary students could enter into when finished. So at the end of last year the building of the high school has started and it will be named as "Rev Baker College", which is pictured on top.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Healing The Land Minsitry International Update
Naqai Christian Fellowship is a church in Labasa, on the island of Vanua levu (the second biggest island in Fiji).
Status of the Church before the htl process:
Before the process the church were left with only 5 families after it was splitted into two factions and there were alot of hurts and anger, jealousy between the two factions. One factions got out of church and began a new church just a few blocks away from their original church. Young people began loose interest in going to church and have backslidden.
During the htl process:
During the htl process, as they went through biblical studies - God moved in the hearts of the 5 families that were left and they began to repent and ask Gods forgiveness for the sins of the church. The local Pastor crawled on his kness to the alter with tears in his eyes and calling on God to forgive him for his sin and the way he has lead the church outside from the "WILL" of God. He took the blame for the reson for the split that happened in the church. As he did that the remaining families followed with sincere repentance to God.
What happen after the htl process:
At the last day of the process, to our surprise the church was fully packed with the whole church including the other faction that have left the church. They came not knowing the reason why they are there but they Believed God wanted them to be there. God moved in that meeting and reconciliation took place between the two factions begining with the two pastors. They each wash each others feet and there was a release in the spirit and since than the church become one and united again after a few years of spliting. The young people began to flock back to church and God is blessing the church and also extending their boundaries as never before as new believers are coming to join their church.
Yes our God is a God of restoration!
Naqai Christian Fellowship is a church in Labasa, on the island of Vanua levu (the second biggest island in Fiji).
Status of the Church before the htl process:
Before the process the church were left with only 5 families after it was splitted into two factions and there were alot of hurts and anger, jealousy between the two factions. One factions got out of church and began a new church just a few blocks away from their original church. Young people began loose interest in going to church and have backslidden.
During the htl process:
During the htl process, as they went through biblical studies - God moved in the hearts of the 5 families that were left and they began to repent and ask Gods forgiveness for the sins of the church. The local Pastor crawled on his kness to the alter with tears in his eyes and calling on God to forgive him for his sin and the way he has lead the church outside from the "WILL" of God. He took the blame for the reson for the split that happened in the church. As he did that the remaining families followed with sincere repentance to God.
What happen after the htl process:
At the last day of the process, to our surprise the church was fully packed with the whole church including the other faction that have left the church. They came not knowing the reason why they are there but they Believed God wanted them to be there. God moved in that meeting and reconciliation took place between the two factions begining with the two pastors. They each wash each others feet and there was a release in the spirit and since than the church become one and united again after a few years of spliting. The young people began to flock back to church and God is blessing the church and also extending their boundaries as never before as new believers are coming to join their church.
Yes our God is a God of restoration!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Healing The Land Minsitry International Update

2007 Update:-
The Healing the Land Ministry continued to minister in communities that have opened their doors to the htl process and a heart that longs for God to come to them. Inspite of the instability the nation is going through, God is still at work in communities who have collectively sought his face and turn their hearts towards him.
The community went through two weeks of process and alot of repentance took place for the defilements done on the land. It is was also atime of reconciliation among the whole tribe and their tribe leader who is at the age of 90, rededicated their whole tribe and land back to God and also gave his life to Jesus. Families relationship restored after years of separation. After the htl process God began the process of healing in the hearts of the people and also their land. Doors that were closed began opening to this community.
This is a community in the western part of Fiji on the coast. The community went through the process, it was a two week meeting. The whole community were engaged in prayer and fasting, it was time of really calling on God with a desperate cry. There were alot of confession of past sins and reconciliation. At the end of the process the whole community were baptised and gave their life to Jesus. Blessings and healing began in the community until today. Unemployed youths are now working, healing has come to their river with abundance of fish and marshall. They still couldn't believe what God is doing right in their very eyes. They have established a prayer mountain whereby the whole community would go and spent time in Gods presence.
Dreketi and Vativa:
These are two communities in one of the islands that also went through the htl process, and great things are happening there. People begin to be set free from all the generational curses, and sickness. The Police department in the area witness for themselves how God was moving in the hearts of the people, began to endorse the ministry as one of its future partner in solving the problems and social ills that are in communities. The community are now engaging in prayer and fasting.
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